DO YOU ENJOY YOUR JOB? 1. I hate it. I have to ( start work until ten. ❌ Your score is 83%. What's E-Work? The concept of e-work extends the purely physical aspects of the old European telework and US telecommuting concepts to include social dynamics; for example, the influence on how we work factors, such as networks of excellence, flexible ARE YOU WORKAHOLIC? Your score: 64 If you scored between JOB OPTION Answer the following questions about the interview. 1) What does Jeff prefer when working? a) Working alone b) Working as a team 2) What does he prefer about dress? b) Not wearing a uniform 3) Does he prefer a set schedule or flexible schedule? a) Set schedule b) Flexible schedule 4) What pay structure does he prefer? a) Salary b) By the hour VOCABULARY CHALLENGE Complete the sentences with the words below. Understandable ...