BLOG N°2: The best holidays I have had

The most memorable vacation I've ever had was in the summer of 2010 when I was ten years old. Travel with my mother and my older sister and we went to Chauchil town belonging to the commune of Hualaihue, in the Region of the Lakes.

The journey lasted most of the night. It took us thirteen hours by bus to get to Puerto Montt and then we had to take another bus, which took two hours, to get to Chauchil. In a part of the journey to Chauchil, the bus had to embark since it is easier to get there by sea than by land.

It was the first time I had traveled that far and the first time I got on a boat.

If the trip itself was already special, those vacations were the best because it was the first time that I met my mother's family. It was the first time I met my grandfather, my grandmother, all my cousins, my uncles, my aunts :D it was very emotional

 Although it was only two weeks, those days were the best. I remember that we went to the beach, we bathed in the sea, in the river, we went to look for firewood in the forest, we collected seafood on the beach, and we also ate curanto.

But definitely what we did the most was visit many houses. As it was a rural place, there were few inhabitants so everyone knew each other there. The people were very kind and affectionate that is why they invited us to their homes a lot. There we share, drinking mate as the people traditionally do in that place.
After that time, we went back two more times. But I will always remember that vacation when I first went

(I have no photos from that year, only from the second time I went)


  1. Hi Paola!, very nice place as you tell us, people from rural places are always very friendly

  2. Hi Paola, this looks like a really peaceful and beautiful place, would love to visit someday beacuse I have never been to the Region of the Lakes

  3. Hi Paola, sounds like a very nice and peaceful place uwu, ideal to get away from the overwhelming that can be Santiago... I love the Región de los Lagos, it has such beautiful places...

  4. Este comentario ha sido eliminado por el autor.

  5. Hello Paola, I have not had the opportunity to go, but because of the photos and not just yours, the landscapes must be very beautiful.


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