Blog N°4: "Agust D and some emotional songs"

I feel that through music many feelings, emotions, and messages can be expressed, with which one can feel identified. It is therefore on this occasion I will talk about songs that are very special and I consider that they have a very beautiful meaning for me.

The songs I chose belong to the rapper, composer, and producer "Agust D", the homonym of "Suga", a member of the South Korean group BTS.

Suga has two names artistic. When he releases solo music; he uses the name "Agust D". In her own words, this represents her alter ego, a "raw" artistic side that he has not been able to show as Suga. And the truth is that I do feel that his songs reflect that since he is a person who has gone through a lot in his life and it is in his two "mixtapes" where he reveals his deepest, darkest, personal, and human side. Not only counting all the sacrifices he has had to make to become an artist but also touching pathologies related to mental health such as depression, social anxiety, (issues that are still somewhat taboo in Korea) which the same rapper had to go through. As well as feelings related to frustration, social pressures to decide what to do with our lives, the loss of goals, dreams, or a way forward, are some of the themes that he touches in the lyrics of his songs. Allowing one to feel much closer and identified with since they reflect problems that often affect us at this stage of life, marked by the transition from adolescence to adulthood.

Both songs talk about dreams and the loss of a course, but from different perspectives.

The song "28" tells us about the difficulties of becoming an adult, especially when expectations of our dreams are not always fulfilled. It shows reality as it is, yet this song is a great company for those moments where it seems like nothing makes sense and us just live for live.

(I know the blog is in English but wanted to get the message across more easily)

On the other hand, "So far away" I consider is a song too emotional as much in its melody as in its meaning. His lyrics speak to us especially in those moments of uncertainty where we do not know what direction to take, or if the path we took was really the right one. Where we must decide what to do with our lives, however, not having a dream or the frustration of not knowing what to do is overwhelming. However, the lyrics have a hopeful message, since, despite all the uncertainty and social pressure that is exerted on young people at this stage of their life, there will always be a reason to move on and keep dreaming.

Well, that would be it, Thanks for reading my blog!!


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