
Hello! My name is Paola Rojas Soto, I am 21 years old.
I was born on March 3, 1999 in Santiago de Chile, at the Hospital San Borja de Arriaran.
My zodiac sign is Pisces uwu

I live with my two parents and my dog, named "Rucio". He is thirteen years old and we love him very much. I have an older sister, but she has not lived with us for a long time. He became independent and currently lives in "Concepción"

I studied at two schools during my period as a student. The first was called "Queen of the Swedish School", and the second was called "Piamarta School".
I really didn't know what to study, but I always liked the humanist side more. I finally decided on Public Administration and I stayed at the University of Chile. At the present, I am studying in the fourth year of my career, but I am a little behind. :(

When I went to school, I had a lot of hobbies, but when I entered University I lost a lot of free time :( However, I loved watching anime, a lot of anime. The last one I saw and one of my favorites is called "Shingeki no kyojin" Another of my hobbies is listening to music, 2017 I became a great admirer of the group "BTS" that I love. However, my musical tastes are very varied ... I also like Bad Bunny (upsi)
My main hobby is exercising, regularly every day. Before I used to go to the gym, but obviously I can't now, so I do it from home
On my other free days, I was with my girlfriend, who we've been dating for ten months.<33

To finish My favorite food is spaghetti with sauce, and I also love sweet things.

Well that would be all ... Goodbye and thank you very much for reading my blog uwu

                                                       joy⁷ en Twitter: "can y'all send me bts heart memes please? i need ...


  1. I see to ChimChim... I love it. I comment. Sjjsjs when I read bad bunny idk why but suddenly the memories about Jackson screaming "primopp" come to me:D♡


  2. Shingeki no kyojin is a great anime! <3 uwu

  3. Great autobiography! When i was in High School I had a friend who really likes BTS, so i used to listen them most of the day hahaha and now I also like them:)

  4. I think the same, the anime is defenitely life


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