Why did I choose this career

Japanese Government Passes Law to Support Foreign Residents ...

When I was a little girl and went to school, my first dream was to become a teacher, I liked the job of teaching others and feeling like they were learning. I think it is something very beautiful and admirable. However, when I was growing up, my thinking changed and I had other new interests. I started to like psychology when I was a teenager since I wanted to have the necessary tools to help others with their problems. But to get into college, they asked for a biology score, and the truth is, I was never very good at science. I always liked the humanist area more. So I took the history exam to study a career in that area.

I didn't have a career in mind, so decided, in my last year of school, at the last moment of the postulation, literally.  Of all the humanistic careers, the public administration called my attention, because I felt that through this, I could also help others in some way.

When I entered university, my expectations dropped. I got demotivated for various reasons. Now I don't know if I really like the race or not, but I must continue because abandoning it is not an option. Studying in this country is very difficult, especially economically.

I am still not clear where to work, but the public sector has always caught my attention.

I hope at some point to help others, especially my mother. It is my only dream in life really.


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